

These utilities are the building blocks which are used throughout this library to create the methods for the Resource’s. You can use these functions to write your own Resource methods.


The get function does a GET request to the given url, with the query params if they are provided. It then passes along the result to the configured middleware for processing.

For example:

import { get } from '@42.nl/spring-connect';

get('/api/pokemon', { page: 1 }).then(json => {
  // Do something with the json here

Note: that the second parameter can be left empty if you have no query parameters.


The post function does a POST request to the given url, with the given payload. Then gives the result to the configured middleware for processing.

post('/api/pokemon', { name: 'bulbasaur' }).then(json => {
  // Do something with the json here

The payload can also be a FormData object, which is useful when uploading files: See MDN.


The put function does a PUT request to the given url, with the given payload. It then gives the result to the configured middleware for processing.

put('/api/pokemon/1', { id: 1, name: 'bulbasaur' }).then(json => {
  // Do something with the json here

The payload can also be a FormData object, useful for when uploading files: See MDN.


The patch function does a PATCH request to the given url, with the given payload. Then gives the result to the configured middleware for processing.

patch('/api/pokemon/1', { id: 1, name: 'bulbasaur' }).then(json => {
  // Do something with the json here

The payload can also be a FormData object, useful for when uploading files: See MDN.


The remove function does a DELETE request to the given url. Then gives the result to the configured middleware for processing.

import { remove } from '@42.nl/spring-connect';

remove('/api/pokemon/1').then(() => {
  // Do something here.