
This library helps you solve the following two problems:

Problem one: routes are strings

With react-router you can define routes which map components to certain URLs, however all these URLs are simple strings. This comes with the following drawbacks:

  1. A URL is easy to get wrong: /user vs /uzer for example.

  2. Changing a URL requires you to find and replace strings in your project, so it is easy to miss something.

The solution is a function called urlBuilder which is explained here.

The urlBuilder helps you create so called Url functions. Which are simple functions which allow you to navigate to routes.

Problem two: query params are strings and optional

Also with react-router the query params are provided to you as a search string for example: "?query=somestring&page=1". This is not very friendly and typesafe to work with.

Also the query params can be empty, which is very annoying because this means a lot of null checks to prove that the query param exists.

The solution is a hook called useQueryParams which is explained here.

The useQueryParams hook makes sure the query params are always defined and converts strings to more concrete values.