5. Displaying errors

Rendering the validation errors is completely up to you. The way it works is as follows, whenever an error occurs the error prop of the Field’s meta data will contain an an array of objects.

For example this object could be included in that array:

  // The type of error which occured
  // The label of the JarbField
  "label": "Description",
  // The value that the field possesed at the time of the error
  "value": '',
  // The reason why the error occured.
  "reasons": { "minimumLength": 3 }

Now you could create an Error Component to render the errors:

import { ValidationError } from '@42.nl/jarb-final-form';
import React, { Component } from 'react';

interface Props {
  meta: {
    invalid: boolean,
    error: ValidationError,
    touched: boolean

export default function Error(props: Props) {
  render() {
    const { invalid, error, touched } = props.meta;

    if (invalid && touched) {
      return <span className="error">{ errorMessage(error) }</span>;

    return null;

// Render a nice message based on each ValidationType.
function errorMessage(error: ValidationError): string {
  switch(error.type) {
    case 'ERROR_REQUIRED':
      return `${ error.label } is required`;
      return `${ error.label } must be bigger than ${ error.reasons.minimumLength } characters`;
      return `${ error.label } must be smaller than ${ error.reasons.maximumLength } characters`;
    case 'ERROR_MIN_VALUE':
      return `${ error.label } must be more than ${ error.reasons.minValue }`;
    case 'ERROR_MAX_VALUE':
      return `${ error.label } must be less than ${ error.reasons.maxValue }`;
    case 'ERROR_NUMBER':
      return `${ error.label } is not a number matching pattern: ${error.reasons.regex}`;
      return `${ error.label } is not a number machthing pattern: ${error.reasons.regex}`;
     return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';

Here are examples of all errors which can occur:

  "type": "ERROR_REQUIRED",
  "label": "Name",
  "value": '',
  "reasons": { "required": "required" }

  "label": "Description",
  "value": '',
  "reasons": { "minimumLength": 3 }

  "label": "Info",
  "value": 'aaaa',
  "reasons": { "maximumLength": 3 }

  "type": "ERROR_MIN_VALUE",
  "label": "Age",
  "value": 1,
  "reasons": { "minValue": 15 }

  "type": "ERROR_MAX_VALUE",
  "label": "Amount",
  "value": 16,
  "reasons": { "maxValue": 15 }

  "type": "ERROR_NUMBER",
  "label": "Telephone",
  "value": 'noot',
  "reasons": { "regex": /^-?\d+$/ }

  "label": "Telephone",
  "value": 'noot',
  "reasons": { "regex": /^-?\d+$/, "fractionLength": 1 }